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  • Don Bonito 艺术指导, 图形设计, 插图

    编辑人:深圳市顶点企业形象策划有限公司 发布时间:2018-11-07

    Don Bonito是位于墨西哥Sayulita的精品酒店。我们的主要目标是创造一个轻松、真实的品牌。我们从该地区丰富的动植物群中汲取灵感,结合装饰艺术和中世纪的影响,并与Len Len合作,他负责空间的物体和室内设计。

    我们使用这些植物和动物的元素来制作具有鲜明色彩的Tingatinga Art风格的插图。我们设计了两种在不同的应用中使用的标志,创造了一个有趣的和多功能的品牌。
    Don Bonito,热带住宅。
    照片:Rodrigo Chapa

    Don Bonito is a boutique hotel located in Sayulita, Mexico. Our main goal was to create a relaxed and authentic brand. We took inspiration from the rich flora and fauna of the area, combined with Art Deco and Mid Century influences, and collaborated with León León, who was in charge of objects and interior design of the space.

    We used these elements of flora and fauna to make illustrations with vibrant colors Tingatinga Art style. We designed two logos that are used in different applications, creating a fun and versatile brand.

    Don Bonito, tropical residence.
    Photos by: Rodrigo Chapa